Modeling of Laser-Induced Plasmon Effects in GNS-DLC-Based Material for Application in X-ray Source Array Sensors

Публикация подготовлена сотрудниками: д.ф.-м.н Аветисян Ю. А.. к. ф.-м.н. Акчурин Г. Г.. Зарьков С. В.. д.ф.-м.н., член.-корр. РАН Тучин В.В.. д.ф.-м.н Якунин А.Н..
на базе: Лаборатория проблем лазерной диагностики технических и живых систем. Лаборатория системного анализа и управления.


An important direction in the development of X-ray computed tomography sensors in systems with increased scanning speed and spatial resolution is the creation of an array of miniature current sources. In this paper, we describe a new material based on gold nanostars (GNS) embedded in nanoscale diamond-like carbon (DLC) films (thickness of 20 nm) for constructing a pixel current source with photoinduced electron emission. The effect of localized surface plasmon resonance in GNS on optical properties in the wavelength range from UV to near IR, peculiarities of localization of field and thermal sources, generation of high-energy hot electrons, and mechanisms of their transportation in vacuum are investigated. The advantages of the proposed material and the prospects for using X-ray computed tomography in the matrix source are evaluated

Ключевые слова: X-ray biosensor; hybrid material; gold nanostar; diamond-like carbon; surface plasmon effect; photoinduced electron emission; wavelength dependence; hot electron; X-ray source


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Yakunin, A.N.; Zarkov, S.V.; Avetisyan, Y.A.; Akchurin, G.G.; Aban’shin, N.P.; Tuchin, V.V. Modeling of Laser-Induced Plasmon Effects in GNS-DLC-Based Material for Application in X-ray Source Array Sensors. Sensors 2021, 21, 1248.

Дополнительная информация: Sensors