подготовлена сотрудниками:
д.ф.-м.н Барулина М.А..
к.ф.-м.н., доцент Панкратова Е.В..
на базе:
Лаборатория анализа и синтеза динамических систем в прецизионной механике.
By now, compact satellites whose weight does not exceed 10 kg have become very popular. The low cost of such satellites development, production and launch, developed recommendations and specifications have led to the explosive growth of the number of the launched nanosatellites. So, over 1100 nanosatellites have been launched as of January 2019. Nanosatellites are used in various scientific, practical and educational projects. Nanosatellites opened the way to space for some countries and allowed them to have their satellites in orbit. One of the problems which is very important for nanosatellites is the effect of various thermal perturbations on the nanosatellites in outer space. Elements inside of a nanosatellite can generate heat, which can lead to a critical for electronic components temperature especially due to vacuum in and out the nanosatellite. Vacuum is very dangerous from a «thermal» point of view, because its almost an ideal heat insulator. Therefore, it is necessary to know even at the design stage of a nanosatellite, how its operation mode and the conditions of outer space will affect the distribution of thermal fields in the nanosatellite and its components. But the simulation of outer space conditions on Earth is quite expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to use numerical simulation. In the paper a software for modeling three-dimensional non-stationary inhomogeneous temperature fields in nanosatellites or their components is developed. The software takes into account such characteristics as the magnitude of the gravity force and its direction, vacuum degree inside and outside the nanosatellite, etc. The mathematical basis of the software is a modified version of the heat balance method.
Ключевые слова: nanosatellite; temperature fields; heat balance method; numerical simulation
DOI 10.5593/sgem2019/2.1/S07.080
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Barulina M., Pankratova E. Software for study of temperature fields in the nanosatellites and their componentS // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. 2019 Book number: 2.1. Pages: 611-618 DOI: 10.5593/sgem2019/2.1/S07.080