{:ru}Ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории Анализа и синтеза динамических систем в прецизионной механике Барулина М.А. приняла участие с докладом Advanced software for simulation of temperature fields for university training course of
nanosatellite design (Авторы Барулина М.А., ИПТМУ РАН, и Фомин Д.В. (Амурский государственный университет)). в семинаре United Nations/Russian Federation Workshop on Human Capacity-Building in Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Social and Economic Development, который проходил 30 октября — 2 ноября 2017г. в г. Самаре (Россия).{:}{:en}Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Analysis and Synthesis of Dynamic Systems in Precision Mechanics Barulin MA took part with a report Advanced software for simulation of temperature fields for university training course of
nanosatellite design (authors Barulin M.A., IPMC RAS, and Fomin D.V., Amur State University). in the United Nations/Russian Federation Workshop on Human Capacity-Building in Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Social and Economic Development, which was held on October 30 — November 2, 2017. in Samara (Russia).{:}