подготовлена сотрудниками:
д. ф.-м. н, проф. Ольшанский В. Ю..
на базе:
Лаборатория механики, навигации и управления движением.
This article describes all possible cases of regular precession in the motion of a rigid body around a fixed point under the action of two uniform fields. A generalization of the known Yehia conditions is obtained when the precession and proper rotation velocities are equal to each other. A new case of regular precession is found for which the precession velocity is twice the proper rotation velocity, the precession axis may not be orthogonal to the force lines of both fields and is not orthogonal to the proper rotation axis.
Ключевые слова: rigid body with fixed point, two uniform fields, regular precession
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechrescom.2022.104041
Ссылка на информацию на сайте издательства
Ol’shanskii V.Yu. Regular precession of a rigid body in two uniform fields // Mechanics Research Communications, 2023. Vol.127, article 104041.